Disney Theme Park in Paris

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Disney Theme Park in Paris

Category: Essay

Subcategory: Management

Level: College

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Disney’s Theme Park in Paris
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Disney’s Theme Park in Paris
1. The importance of a company’s decision to globalize
A company’s access to a larger base of customers is increased which translates to new revenue potentials for a company.
The company’s access to a huge pool of talent is increased.
A company’s decision to globalize creates for them exposure to foreign investment opportunities.
2. The competitive strategies for firms in foreign markets.
Licensing and contract manufacturing helps to give patent rights, trademark rights, copyrights or even the product technology and processes to another firm in a foreign country (Robinson, 2018).
Joint ventures. A formal arrangement between firms is arrived at to create a new business to create a new business for a mutually beneficially activity and processes.
Wholly owned subsidiaries. A foreign partner firm holds more than 95% of the equity and assumes all the risks.
A niche market is exporting, is where a small group of customers with common characteristics which are peculiar to them come together.
3. The strategy implementation problems associated with internal new venturing, joint ventures and mergers.
The issue of commitment from both parties involved, there arises issues of focus and trust which are vital for such an arrangement to be implemented successfully (Robinson, 2018).
Willingness to communicate and the parties abiding by the agreed upon fr…

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