Discussion Homosexuality

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Discussion Homosexuality

Category: Research Paper

Subcategory: Education

Level: Masters

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Discussion- Homosexuality in the Classroom
Discussion- Homosexuality in the Classroom
The Colossian’s passage address how believers ought to conduct themselves with wisdom towards other people and similarly in teaching occupation, it relates how teachers should handle diverse students. The choice of word is essential when it comes to how individuals relate. The way people react towards others depend upon the words spoken to them, and the passage urge application of knowledge in the way we act. The outsiders as mentioned in the passage refer to the non-Christians or unbelievers. In teaching career, one might encounter a group of students who are not straight for instance homosexuality or lesbians, drug users and school dropouts. The way I would respond to outsiders in teaching occupation is to avoid creating a boundary between myself and the different individuals. I would collectively treat them equally irrespective of who they are, for the teachings might make a significant difference.
The diverse group of students challenging to deal with is the homosexuality, since they not only have courage for their practices but also have gained social momentum. The society has allowed this group to preach a doctrine of tolerance using similar platforms like newspapers, Tv or radios which we use in communicating other agendas (Slick, 2008). My concern for teaching diverse students is to show them love and pray for them since their ideologies are sinful. Sins requi…

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