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Discussion Forum

Category: Presentation or speech

Subcategory: Classic English Literature

Level: College

Pages: 1

Words: 550

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Discussion Forum
Question 1
Althea faced discrimination for being the only African American playing pro-tennis during a time when the game was for the white folks only but still managed to triumph and become the first black woman ever to win the grand slam championship.
Question 2
A compare and contrast essay analyzes the similarity and difference between two or more subjects. The primary motive of writing a compare and contrast essay is to illuminate the subtle differences and unexpected similarities between the two subjects with an emphasis on understanding their connection. Analysis can either be comparison, contrast or both. There is a vast disparity between an argumentative essay and a compare and contrast essay based on the purpose of writing and the format. An argumentative essay convinces someone that a specific idea or opinion is worth. Unlike other types of essays, an argumentative essay relies on research-based evidence and facts to support the idea or opinion.
Question 3
At an early age, Althea’s parents strived to educate her in the black dominated neighborhood of Harlem. Despite all these challenges, Althea’s passion and love for sports were undoubted. The most important aspect of her life was her ability to endure racial segregation. During the 1950s, many African Americans were barred from participating in various sports (McKay and Johnson 497). Althea was phenomenal in the court, and he…

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