Discussion Board Congress

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Discussion Board Congress

Category: Essay

Subcategory: Criminal law

Level: College

Pages: 1

Words: 275

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Discussion Board – Congress
The intensification of the consistent re-election campaign, the failure of the centre in Congress, the developing ideological polarization of parties as well as the decline of accountability has reinforced an unsettling atmosphere. According to Mann and Ornstein, the thoughtful congressional oversight of the executive has diminished, and enduring traditions of conduct have been ignored to enhance the broader goal of executing the president’s agenda (139). Further, the Congress has declined regarding encouraging executive’s secrecy, stealth policies enacted during all-night sessions as well as the dominance of machine politics and collapse of ethical standards.
The Congress should be structured to emulate bipartisan deliberation. Developing laws in contemporary America is not generally partisan as it was three decades ago. For the bipartisan discussion to be achieved, it is important it is important to facilitate shifts in the working norms as well as attitudes of the members of Congress. Moreover, institutional changes can be done to attain bipartisanship. Notably, Congressional majorities do not often enact legislation in light of party-line votes. Several laws such as landmark enactments always attract bipartisan support.
Further, despite the rise of party unity, today’s congressional majority parties do not marshal chamber majorities on considerable laws uniquely from within th…

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