Discuss your reflections on the differences in knowledge base of pharmacology and application of this knowledge in a RN practice vs the practice of an APRN.

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Discuss your reflections on the differences in knowledge base of pharmacology and application of this knowledge in a RN practice vs the practice of an APRN.

Category: Reflective Essay

Subcategory: Nursing

Level: Masters

Pages: 1

Words: 550

The difference in Knowledge and Application of Pharmacology by RNs and APRNs
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In the field of nursing today, there is the classification of nurses according to their level of knowledge on specific issues and curriculum. Different types of nurses are associated with different roles and responsibilities. The paper places emphasis on the level of expertise in pharmacology by RNs and APRNs. Each has differing levels on types of medicine, their uses and effects depending on their educational as well as practical level. These differences bring about a difference in the level of performance and perfection in the work each group has been assigned. In this paper, various roles and responsibilities of both groups will be carefully assessed. Their level of knowledge in pharmacology as well performance will also be analyzed. Additionally, there will be a significant consideration of how their knowledge has impacted their level of performance in the nursing field since knowledge and practice are two considerably different perceptions in the modern world.
Keywords: RNs, APRNs, classification, nurses, curriculum
The difference in Knowledge and Application of Pharmacology by RNs and APRNs
RNS and APRNs work in parallel to achieve the set mission which is; the provision of competent and compassionate patient care (White, Dudley-Brown & Terhaar, 2016). However, they have different roles that help them achieve this mission since their level of …

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