Discuss the impact of Iberian conquest and settlement practices on the peoples and ecologies of the Americas.

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Discuss the impact of Iberian conquest and settlement practices on the peoples and ecologies of the Americas.

Category: Exemplification Essay

Subcategory: History

Level: Academic

Pages: 2

Words: 550

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The Iberian conquest and consequent settlement practices had a widespread impact on the people and the ecologies of the Americas. Initially, the Iberian made attempts to gain direct control of its colonies in the Americas by using a supervisory office referred to as the Council of Indies. The lack of a common language for communication between the Iberian and the new colonies created a difficult circumstance in which the viceroys of New Spain and Peru, as well as their junior officers, wielded a substantial degree of authority.
The organs of administration created by the Iberian had a high degree of development, creating expensive bureaucracies that discouraged local economic advantage and political experimentation. The Amerindians were also under the protection of the Catholic clergy from exploitation and mistreatment. An example is Bartolome de Las Casas, a previous settler who had turned priest, was sharply opposed to the policies the Iberian applied to their colonies and was committed to improving the standing of the Amerindians by advocating for legal reforms for instance the New Laws of 1542. There was increased frustration among the Catholic missionaries as the Amerindians who converted to Christianity blended Christian teachings with components of their own native religion. The Church responded by redirecting its focus toward the cities and towns under coloni…

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