Discuss African Americans and their journey through the late 1800s to the present day.

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Discuss African Americans and their journey through the late 1800s to the present day.

Category: Essay

Subcategory: History

Level: College

Pages: 1

Words: 275

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The Journey of the Africa America through the 1800s to Date
In history, freedom is the right entitled to every citizen of any nation to do as what he/she pleases. But that was not the case in the 1800s to the Africa America. Initially, Africans we viewed as objects of working and nothing more. Some of the western African would capture people and trade them to Europeans. These Europeans would take them to work in their plantation and treat them harshly as well. Despite the difficulties they underwent they had the spirit of maintaining togetherness through marrying. Given a chance of worship, they would express their grievances through songs.
Consequently, during the 17th and 18th century, a few blacks acquired freedom and hence moved to the north where slavery was less compared to the southern part of America. By 1800s, some few whites and most blacks who had gained freedom called for the elimination of slavery. The event leads to the civil. Black people of northern volunteered to fight not only for the union but freedom of yet black slaves (Span, 54). After the defeat of the whites, black people established their churches, school, and administration. Amazingly, by the year 1870, 22 black representatives had been sent to the parliament. Unfortunately, in 1877, white troops were sent to destroy everything that the black people had stated including burning their homes. The white regained back their power and thus ensured that the…

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