Discrete Data Analysis Revised

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Discrete Data Analysis Revised

Category: Essay

Subcategory: Statistics

Level: College

Pages: 1

Words: 275

The Relation between Fruit Shopping Frequency and Favorite Fruit
This analysis is utterly factual and it utilizes real-time data collected from twenty students. The relation between the number of times per week one buys fruits and their favorite fruit seems interesting. Buying fruit is defined as purchasing fruits in any store that sells fruits including traditional fruit groceries, stop and shop, as well as other convenience stores such as Walmart. However, restaurants, take out stores and other convenience fruit outlets are not considered. Therefore, on the 9th day of this month, I asked twenty students from my class how frequent they buy fruit and what their favorite fruit is and documented their responses on stat-crunch which is a software that analyses data through the web. I set controls on the favorite fruit of the respondents and received the answers: apples, oranges, avocados or blackberries.
In terms of the favorite fruit according to this survey, apples are ranked first since they are the most frequently bought. However, all the fruits earned the biggest number of votes among the choices of fruits in the survey.
Apples, 8, 40%
Oranges, 5, 25%
Avocados, 4, 20%
Blackberries, 3, 15%

Favorite Vegetable n Percentage
Apples 8 40%
Oranges 5 25%
Blackberries 4 20%
Avocado 3 15%

In terms of how frequent people fruit shopped, the results from this survey are summarized as follows.
Fruit Store Trips Frequency Percent of Total…

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