digital designer orientation

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digital designer orientation

Category: Essay

Subcategory: Bioengineering

Level: College

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Student’s Name
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Course Name
Digital Designer Orientation
The experiment was designed on the Digi Designer orientation; the project aimed to build a circuit on the device. Some of the crucial measurement recorded include voltage which was 5.05 VDC. The major elements recorded again include switch setting, a period of the signal, the frequency of signal and duty cycle (Keenan, Fiona, and Sandra 43). Both were recorded during the experiment. From the results, the difference between the signal on channel 1 and channel 2 is the rate of oscillation of the perpendicular which gives the difference in the frequency of the Digi machine. After setting up all the Logic switches to the GND and all the lamps were switched off. This is shown in figure 1 below

Figure SEQ Figure * ARABIC 1: LED +5
When the logic switched are all set to +5V all the LED lamps were on. In circumstances where lamps indicated a nibble of data, the hexadecimal numbers which are represented with all switches set to GND giving 0000=0.
This is shown in the figure below: –

Figure SEQ Figure * ARABIC 2: LED GND
The hexadecimal number represented with all switches set to +5V giving 1111 = F. When you connect the PULSERS J19 to the lamp monitors, the state of the Lamp CR7 can be described as off while that of CR8 as on during this process. When you press S7, while continuing with the pressing on, the cr8 turns off while cr7 turns on during this process (p65).
While still monitor…

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