Development Psychology

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Development Psychology

Category: Essay

Subcategory: Psychology

Level: College

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Development Psychology
Institutional Affiliation
Development Psychology
How much does emotional turbulence versus social hostility count as an explanation for teen suicide?
Adolescence is the stage where people go through the most emotionally turbulent time of their lives. It is a time when youths are struggling with issues related to self-esteem, alienation, self-doubt, and feelings among others (Coon, Mitterer & Martini, 2019). Emotionally turbulence is a major cause of suicide among the youths. As they struggle to find their identity, there is a high likelihood of committing suicide. The other cause of suicide is social hostility. People with social issues are likely to feel isolated and hence contemplate suicide due to increased depression.
Kohlberg’s Theory of Stages of Moral Development
Carol Gilligan who was a student of Lawrence Kohlberg felt that the developmental theory by her mentor did not address the issue of gender differences, probably because most of the participants in the study were male. She developed Gilligan’s theory of caring which addressed where she suggested the stages of the ethics of care (Coon, Mitterer & Martini, 2019). She described how actions could be identified as right or wrong. Among the principles of the care, the theory is the emphasis on universality and interconnectedness. Also, actions should be just, devoid of violence and inclusive of helping people who are in need. Care based morality is more prevalent in …

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