Developing teams in the organization second post

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Developing teams in the organization second post

Category: Essay

Subcategory: Management

Level: Masters

Pages: 1

Words: 275

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Developing Teams in the Organization- Second Post
Developing a team usually incorporate training and support throughout individuals’ career. Team development is an essential task of a team leader or an experienced manager. To develop a team, the leader must be in a position to know how his or her members work and know what type of training they need to perform roles effectively. Therefore, in team development, the first thing to consider is to identify the areas of practice (Mesmer-Magnus, Asencio, Seely & DeChurch, 2018, 2). The leader may use a training assessment to determine who needs to advance skills. The other step to develop a team is to choose the right training method. After identifying the areas that need improvement, the manager can select better training that suits individuals. Coaching is another approach to develop a team. In this approach, the performance gaps get closed by better communication through a relaxed one on one conversation between team members and the leader (Page & Donelan, 2014, 175). Other team development methods include delegation of duties, managing talents and ensuring an effective succession plan.
Team formation, on the other hand, requires more than just abstract commitment, as it demands a lot of input from managers. The first step in team formation or building is establishing a leadership. Leaders mus…

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