Degenerative disease of the CNS

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Degenerative disease of the CNS

Category: Coursework

Subcategory: Social Science

Level: College

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Degenerative disease of the CNS
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Degenerative disease of the CNS
Intervention Plan
The intervention plan that I would perform on Marguerite would be to help delegate her duties and advise her on the importance of seeking help. The areas in her life where she needs help are taking her children to the sporting activities, taking care of her family as well as taking care of her sick mother. Firstly, to minimize the frequent movements of visiting her mother on a daily basis, I would encourage her to create a room for her mother in her home so that she can save the time. She does not need to go to the grocery store every day, she can easily order all her groceries and other house essentials online, and they will be delivered at her doorstep.
Change in Dx and the Impact on the Client
A delegation of duties which includes shopping online and having her husband chip in once in a while can help Marguerite in regards to time management and return; fatigue will significantly be reduced since there is usually a lot of muscle fatigue that is caused by conditions such as MS. The atrophy nature of degenerative diseases causes excessive muscle fatigue and minimizing on too, much movement by ordering stuff online can be an appropriate strategy.
Strategies to Be Applied to Neurologist Disorder?
For someone who has Alzheimer, it is vital to engage them as much as possible, therefore, asking them to have a daily to-do list would be a stra…

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