Dante Christian afterlife and spiritual restoration revised

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Dante Christian afterlife and spiritual restoration revised

Category: Essay

Subcategory: Classic English Literature

Level: College

Pages: 1

Words: 275

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Dante Christian Afterlife and Spiritual Restoration
Dante is a famous Italian poet who authored Divine Comedy. The poem is divided into three parts: Inferno, Purgatorio, and Paradiso. Dante enters the Inferno by getting lost in the woods. This encounter depicts sin, and hence he cannot find a consistent path in the woods. He is scared and heads for the mountains. He is confronted by three beasts; a she-wolf, a lion and leopard which scare him back to the woods.
Dante found a ghost in the woods which was the soul of a Roman poet Virgil. This marks his beginning towards his spiritual restoration. He was lost, scared and facing the greatest fear by Christians, the inferno. Dante takes the opportunity to tell him how he had admired his works and how much he had inspired him (Alighieri). Virgil tells him he was sent by Beatrice to take him to heaven, but they had to pass through hell. Beatrice had specifically told Virgil that Dante had “stalled in his pathway along that lonely hillside” (Alighieri). This shows the power of love even in the afterlife, in his time of need, Beatrice sent help.
In the Inferno, it is clear that Dante had strayed from the path of Christianity. However, he demonstrates that Christians should strive for the right path in the right way. For instance, when he tries to find a shortcut to the right way, he is confronted by three beasts. His quest to go to the mountain depicts his urge to get closer …

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