Current Event within last 7 days with historical impact

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Current Event within last 7 days with historical impact

Category: Coursework

Subcategory: History

Level: High School

Pages: 1

Words: 275

1. What news story did you read about?
In this publication by the New York Times, Senator Bob Corker who is a Republican hailing from Tennessee, on Wednesday introduced new legislation (Ikenson). This legislation was aimed at taking back some authority that President Trump has been violating under the disguise of national security protection. This legislation is aimed at stopping this threat.
2. Why is this event considered a current historical event? What impact will this event have on the United States?
This event is considered a historical, current event because with the enactment of the legislation it could mean that the president could not misuse his power. This could say that the worldwide supply chains and the US partners in trade would not be affected. This will mean that America’s trade with the world would be boosted and ensure economic growth in the country.

3. What information is not presented in the article that could or should have been included?
In this article, the writer fails to explain how the impact of the misuse of power by the president on the economy (Ikenson). This could have explained the need for new legislation in the country. By explaining this, citizens could have been more aware of what is happening in the United States.
4. Find this news story as covered by a different source. What are the differences between the ways the stories are portrayed? Which one is more biased? Explain how.
In this article by Pa…

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