Cultures might change with time in any organization

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Cultures might change with time in any organization

Category: Argumentative Essay

Subcategory: Management

Level: Masters

Pages: 1

Words: 275


Cultures might change with time in any organization
Ironing out an organizational culture that serves its needs and its people can be achieved using different ways. The first method is through increasing employee loyalty by treating the workers in the right manner and making them feel valued and appreciated. Also, the organizations should improve job satisfaction through factors such as awarding positive performance by issuing bonuses and offering promotions to deserving workers. Employees tend to be dedicated and motivated when companies invest in their happiness and well-being (Kohll, 2018 n.p.). A positive culture allows the employees to work together as a team, communicate effectively, and interact; this collaboration improves the chances of achieving improved performance. Also, positive culture makes a company reputable which makes employees want to work for the organization; this makes it possible to attract and retain talented and skilled employees.
The culture of an organization can change positively with time; this is essential for companies that want to grow. Organization culture plays a vital role in determining whether it will attain its most significant goals (Heathfield, 2018 n.p.). The first step taken when planning on improving the culture of an organization include, understanding the current culture followed by what the company wants to achieve and finally d…

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