Culture and Comunication

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Culture and Comunication

Category: Essay

Subcategory: Communication

Level: College

Pages: 1

Words: 275

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Culture and Communication.Culture is the different values and behaviours that different groups exhibit around the world. For example, The Indian culture while accommodating different settings forms other cultures. They do not permit the use of beef meat in any form. This is a unique way of practising cultural values because everywhere in the world where Indians dwell, one will find this practice still in use.
Where intercultural or Intercultural miscommunication occurs, development on how best to exercise the several dimensions that entail social behaviour is utilised. The proportions in the name are Universalism against particularise, Individualism against communitarians’, specific against diffuse, Neutral against emotional, achievement against ascription, following time against synchronous time, inward direction against outward direction among others. These are the main dimensions that G. Hofstede summarised, but they were initially for before further review was done in the study.
As a student who is studying abroad, Intercultural communication has been a hurdle for most people who have moved to this new place to further their studies. For example, at school, unlike in my hometown, many residents here follow a strict rule of privacy which means that there is minimal interaction between the people. As a person, this is seen as a barrier because one cannot build a rapport with others or be able to commun…

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