cultural competence

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cultural competence

Category: Reflective Essay

Subcategory: Nursing

Level: Masters

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Cultural Competence
Cultural Competence
According to Purnell (2012), the process of acquiring cultural competency begins with developing self-awareness of one’s own experience by comprehending aspects such as personality, values, and beliefs. The other phase in the process is to learn the cultures of the various patients the nurse cares for; this knowledge is important for the nurse to demonstrate an understanding of the patient’s culture. Moreover, the other step in the process is to accept and respect the cultural difference between their own culture and that of the patient; this will help the nurse integrate the patient’s beliefs into the care they receive. Additionally, the process of cultural competence also requires the nurse to avoid judgmental attitudes when dealing with the beliefs of the patients.
At the core of the cultural competence, process is the openness to experience and encounter new cultures. Additionally, the process also involves recognition of variant cultural characteristics and determine the extent to which a patient adheres to the beliefs of their dominant culture. Moreover, the other step in the process is to have contact with the community of the patient. The next step is to have the willingness to work with diverse communities and cultures. This is followed by accepting responsibility to learn cultural competence by attending conferences and reading (Purnell, 2012). Overall, the process of cultural competence is n…

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