Criminal Law

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Criminal Law

Category: Essay

Subcategory: Criminal law

Level: College

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Criminal Law
Institutional Affiliation
Part One
Within a community, some individuals may be prone to violence and may be exposed to such tendencies at different levels. Physical proximity to community violence refers to a situation where an individual is within the geographical location where the violence occurs (Lambert, Boyd, Cammack & Ialongo, 2012). This means that one witnesses the violence as it happens and may be affected directly. On the other hand, relationship proximity refers to a situation where there is an emotional connection to individuals exposed to the violence.
Internalizing behaviors- anxiety, depression, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
Externalizing behaviors- substance abuse, poor school performance, dropping out of school (Lambert, Boyd, Cammack & Ialongo, 2012).
A number of gender differences are exhibited with regard to the manner in which they respond to community violence. They include:
Ladies tend to suffer from internalizing behaviors.
Men tend to exhibit externalizing behaviors such as substance abuse.
Witnessing violence against a close friend is associated with anxiety among males.
Males are more likely to experience violence against a friend as opposed to their female counterparts.
When a child has been exposed to community violence, they need support from all fronts to ensure they can get past the ugly experiences. The child should be exposed to community programs such as therapy. This would help alleviate t…

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