Criminal Justice

Criminal Justice
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major racial/ethnic/gender/homosexual groups are most unfairly treated by police organizations?

Police mistreatment of Homosexuals Student’s Name Institutional Affiliation Police mistreatment of Homosexuals The Lesbian Gay Bisexual and Transsexual (LGBT) community is constantly discriminated and harassed by police officers. Notably, mistreatment hinders successful policing in those communities because trust is broken and communication inhibited such that officers are prevented from attending to the communities. For instance, the United States has a history of exploitation of the LGBT people especially the people of color, youths and transgender individuals. The LGBT community is often harassed by police officers because of their sexual orientation. Before the 1990s, homosexuals were...


Bureaucracy in Policing Student’s name Institution of affiliation Date When Max Weber identified bureaucracies as the most appropriate way of structuring and running organizations, he envisaged bureaucracies operating in the ideal word. However, the globalized society of the 21st century is far from ideal and to remain relevant, there is a need to reduce the scientific bureaucracy and instead fuse it with the alternatives that have been developed to come up with a more flexible and contemporary organizational structure. While police bureaucracy has a number of disadvantages such as a rigid system of rules which stifles creativity and impedes efficient responses to crime, it has proved to be...

War on drugs

War on Drugs Name of Student Institution Affiliation War on Drugs Since the implementation of the war on drugs policy in 1982 by Reagan’s administration, the level of drug use dropped from 14.4% to 6.6% in 1991 (“Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration,” 2001). The war on drugs policy is attributed to the significant growth of the prison population. Harsher sentences requiring mandatory imprisonment of all drug offenders led to the increased population in prisons. However, the war against crime cannot be won by simply increasing the number of arrests. All these things increase the prison population and put extra strain on the justice system. There are numerous...

ethical egoism

Ethical Egoism Name Institutional Affiliation Ethical Egoism Ethical egoism can be described as a moral doctrine upheld by people that dictates what they need to do to satisfy their interests. That is, people do something to gratify their self-regard. Egoism is chief in the criminal justice nowadays. It can be used to explain various actions undertaken by law enforcement officers. For instance, when a cop is running after an offender who is not obeying commands, and the officer shoots his leg, it is justified in accordance with the egoism theory (McCartney & Parent, 2017). Such an action does not taint the state or law enforcement in any way. It can further be used as a motivating force....

Crimes by the Government

Waterboarding Student Name: Institutional Affiliation: Instructor: Course: Date: Question: Evaluate waterboarding, a torture technique that dates back over 100 years. Do you believe it is an effective means of torture especially because it does not leave any marks on its victim? Currently, there has been increasing cases of torture as a method of obtaining information from a suspect even though torture has been prohibited in the world. Citing a recent interview, President Trump made it clear that in order to keep the United States Safe he will do all it takes even if it means resorting to waterboarding alongside other forms of torture (Dando, 2017). The biggest contention currently, is the...

Police rationalize misconduct

Title Name Institution Date The noble course argument has often aroused debates especially in the context of law enforcement. Scholars have always sought to decipher the details concerning this concept with very little consensus due to the intricate nature of this argument. In the context of the police, the noble course argument on misconduct and corruption notes that police may be bound to a certain ethical system that allows them to commit corrupt acts or engage in certain misconducts if they will lead to the realization of the greater good of the society. While traditional corruption entails the acts of people seeking personal gain at any cost, noble course corruption, centers on the...

Prosectors and judges

Prosecutors and Judges Name Institutional Affiliation Prosecutors and Judges Prosecutors are tasked with the responsibility of deciding if charges should be filed by evaluating the evidence presented before them. The judges, on the other hand, manage trails by considering the evidence beforehand. However, decisions from both parties can be influenced by factors that are beyond facts laid down in the evidence. For instance, public opinion comes into play when they are making various decisions (Cook, 2018). External pressure from the public exerts a lot of influence on prosecutors and judges since they need the community support to maintain their positions and bolster their legitimacy. More so,...

Prison Officers

Prison Officers Name Institutional Affiliation Prison Officers Prisoner officers not only have an obligation towards the government, the prison stakeholders, and the community but also to the prisoners. More often, communities rely on the services of federal and state prisons and other correctional amenities to facilitate public safety by running secure establishments. Prison officers recognize that their job is to offer public service and when any unethical behavior or misconduct is observed, it not only taints the image of prisons but also erodes citizens’ confidence in such facilities (Coyle, 2010). For this reason, correctional officers and any other staff responsible for overseeing...

Patriot Act

Patriot Act Name Institution Patriot Act The Patriot Act was enacted after the September 11 terrorist attack that had adverse impacts on the USA. The act was declared as law during the President Bush administration, and it provided a supplementary extension of executive power. This counterterrorism policy was not only implemented to combat terrorism but also to protect the US citizens. All this was also done in an attempt to block terrorists from being financed (USA Patriot Act, 2016). As a result, the Act makes a lot of changes on current federal statutes, it widens the demarcation of terrorism, increases punitive penalties for terrorist, gives the government more power on wiretapping,...