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Category: Research Paper

Subcategory: Criminal Justice

Level: University

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Bureaucracy in Policing
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When Max Weber identified bureaucracies as the most appropriate way of structuring and running organizations, he envisaged bureaucracies operating in the ideal word. However, the globalized society of the 21st century is far from ideal and to remain relevant, there is a need to reduce the scientific bureaucracy and instead fuse it with the alternatives that have been developed to come up with a more flexible and contemporary organizational structure.
While police bureaucracy has a number of disadvantages such as a rigid system of rules which stifles creativity and impedes efficient responses to crime, it has proved to be the best organizational form in policing. A number of alternative organizational and structural forms have been developed but most have been supplemental and conceived to meet specific objectives (Palmiotto & Unnithan, 2011).
To counter the drawback of impersonality experienced in police bureaucracies, Palmiotto & Unnithan (2011) state that the Team Policing approach has been developed. It involves tasking small police units with serving distinct geographic areas within the jurisdiction of the police department. These local teams are free to choose how to deliver services based on the needs of the area they serve. Another supplemental approach is to form Task Forces which are specialized units formed to a certain serious problem. They may be inter or intra agency and are…

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