Cover Memo revised

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Cover Memo revised

Category: Critical Thinking

Subcategory: Tourism

Level: College

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Cover Memo
Student’s Name
Institution of Affiliation
TO: Executives Gold’s Gym
FROM: Marketing department
DATE: August 22. 2017
SUBJECT: Social Media Marketing
How Gold’s Gym Uses Social Applications
The satisfaction our client is at the top of the agenda, and it is their experience in the gym that will make them come back again for the services. Repeat customers will boost revenue and attract new consumers to the brand, and this is why the recommendation to hop on the social media bandwagon is necessary. The internet has become a household asset and nearly everyone spends significant time in the social media platforms and incorporating this in Gold’s Gym operation will connect the nosiness to the clients.
Additionally, it will improve the consumer experience by giving the company a competitive edge amidst the stiff competition from rival gyms in the region. The social media strategy will focus on websites such as Facebook, Instagram, YouTube and Twitter that have gathered a fandom in the society. This will ensure that the brand engages with clients on another level appealing to their loyalty and in the process, they may recommend the facility to friends and family. The idea is a game changer to the enterprise and is what Gold’s Gym needs to remain relevant in the market.
How Social Media Relates to Business
The stiff competition in the market has forced brands to craft their niche in the industry. This has involved the incorporation of the social media …

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