Country composition

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Country composition

Category: Essay

Subcategory: Business

Level: College

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Singapore Nation
The reason for choosing to study Singapore is because the nation has interesting facts. While most people still regard it as a city, Singapore became a sovereign nation in 1965 after attaining independence from the United Kingdom. Considered both a city and sovereign state, Singapore becomes the ideal country to explore.
Singapore is in Asia. It covers a land surface of 687 square kilometers and water surface of 10 square kilometers (World Atlas). The country falls between the Indian Ocean and the South China Sea (See map in the appendix section). The country also has multiple sea inlets and straits. The main countries that border Singapore are Malaysia and Indonesia.
The country is not prone to natural hazards and disasters. The main reason is that it is protected against the common volcanic activity in the region by the Indonesian, Malaysian and the Philippines Islands. Through its history, the country has not experienced notable weather vagaries and climate-related disasters, except for a few flash floods and mudflows.
Country Information
In Singapore, people aged 15 years and above are fully literate. This gives a 97% literacy rate. With regards to urbanization, 100% of the country’s population lives in urban regions. The urbanization rate is at 1.39%. The most significant urban area is Singapore City, with a population of 5.792 million. Singaporeans are 33.2% Buddhist, 18.8% Christian, 14% Musl…

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