Constitutional Limitations

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Constitutional Limitations

Category: Coursework

Subcategory: Criminal Justice

Level: College

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Constitutional Limitations
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Constitutional Limitations
One of the constitutional limitations in the United States Constitution is against the making of ex-post facto laws. Ex post facto is a Latin phrase that means a thing done after the fact, or a thing done afterwards. This phrase means that an act is made a crime after it was committed, although it was legal during the commission or omission (Garner, 2004). The ex-post facto clause in the constitution, Article 1, Section 9 and 10, clause 1 prohibits Congress and the states from passing any laws which apply to ex-post facto laws. The provision limits the retroactive aspect of the concept of ex-post facto laws.
The main reason for limiting such laws is because they go against the application of the rule of law. As held in Beazel v Ohio U.S 167 (1925), such laws make it hard for those convicted to gain enough defense as they decrease the amount of evidence in the discretion of the accused, they increase the severity of the punishments for the crimes committed, and they punish crimes which were initially legal when they were committed (LII Staff, 2017).
Ex post facto laws have more disadvantages as compared to the advantages. Therefore, their limitation is justifiable. Such laws, when enforced, might cause unfairness and promote corruption. Most people who have acted variously in the past might be convicted when the acts become illegal. This would go against the principles of application …

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