Compassion and Conflict revised

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Compassion and Conflict revised

Category: Essay

Subcategory: Psychology

Level: College

Pages: 1

Words: 275

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Compassion and Conflicts in Relationships
Compassion is the ability to understand someone’s thoughts, feelings, and opinion. Compassion is very crucial in managing relationship conflicts. Communicating in an open manner promotes understanding in relationships. Positive relationships are achieved when people talk openly about their feelings, opinions and express their genuine emotions. Aggressive behavior leads to conflicts in relationships. Aggression is when a person fails to understand someone’s perspective or point of view and wants to force his or her views or behavior on others. Aggression can be caused by low self -esteem, misunderstanding and it can be as a result of communication breakdown or when one party tries to dominate the other. Compassion enhances positive, assertive behavior that helps minimize conflicts in relationships. An assertive person is self-enhancing rather than self-denying or angry. Lack of assertion causes somebody to be either guilty or angry (Confidence In Relationships, 39). It can also cause a person to be hurt or anxious hence escalating a conflict. An assertive person is confident and calm. He or she understands how the other person feels and uses the right words and appropriate non-verbal cue to communicate. Having compassion is essential because it helps people in relationships broaden their understanding of each other and create templates on how to manage different situations (…

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