Comparison and contrast essay based on two articles (provided)

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Comparison and contrast essay based on two articles (provided)

Category: Memoir Essay

Subcategory: Classic English Literature

Level: High School

Pages: 2

Words: 550

Article Comparison
Issues of men and women, their relationships, inherent and culturally influenced behavior and nature, and the complex interactions in public and private situations are as widespread as they are complex. These two articles explore subjects many people consider either nondescript or inappropriate to bring up. Deborah Tannen’s Sex, Lies and Conversation begins by describing an insightful scene in a gathering she once lectured, where although the man spoke more in public, he reportedly admitted to his wife being the talker in the family, much to the amusement of others. This introductory passage relaxes the reader, and catches their attention, before she starts throwing in the heavy stuff; the reasons why American men and women do not talk to each other, and how it impacts marriages.
She quotes famous sociologist Catherine Riesman who in the seventies wrote about the subject of Divorce talk, and the fact that one of the most popular reasons for divorce for women was the fact that their husbands did not listen to them (Riessman, 1990). Many complaints by women are not tangible, material things. Instead, they complain about communication. She goes on to explain the differences in men and women that shape their approach and understanding of the process of talking to one another. Many relationships have men, on one hand, looking at conversation as a chance to state the opposite side of the story. Women, on the other hand, vi…

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