comparing the abusers Nathaniel and Adam.

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comparing the abusers Nathaniel and Adam.

Category: Essay

Subcategory: History

Level: High School

Pages: 1

Words: 275

DateComparing the Abusers Nathaniel and Adam
Both ‘‘break up’’ and ‘‘dating violence’’ is dangerous as attested to by the two scenarios. Comparing both Nathaniel and Adam, both had depression conditions and had been seeing psychiatrists for treatment. Although Nathaniel refused to take medication for his mental ailment, Adam is on record of taking pills. The social media is another common factor in both cases. Lauren and her friends discussed the imminent breakup with her boyfriend on social media while Sophia got in touch with Adam through Facebook after separation due to the first attack. A large number of text messages sent to Sophia by her would be attacker are equally worthy to note.
Warning signs featured during the relationships, though in Nathaniel’s case they were subtle. Friends and parents to both girls talk about the attackers being possessive and going through their girlfriend’s phones. It is an opinion of one of them that Nathaniel gets aggressive when drank and even punches a pole that is holding a tent pump during a graduation party. A significant difference is a lack of stalking in Nathaniel’s case, a characteristic rampantly meted out on Sophia. In both instances, the fear of breakup led to violence and murder in Nathaniel’s case. Another point of convergence is how parents to the accused exonerate their sons of the capability of committing the heinous acts.
The Abusers suffer from some form of depressio…

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