Communication discussion paper

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Communication discussion paper

Category: Essay

Subcategory: Medicine

Level: College

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Styles of Communication
Scenario: You are working on an important task with a close deadline. Colleagues in the adjacent cubicles are celebrating a birthday, and you are having a difficult time concentrating on your work. What would you do? My plan of action would be to approach the colleagues by knocking at their door first politely. After being welcomed and exchanging greetings with them, I would express my experience with the noise effects explaining how busy I am. I would convince them to consider reducing their noise to tolerable levels to enable me to concentrate on my task and finish it within the deadline. Another option would be to convince them to set a considerable time limit within which they should conduct their celebrations before ending it. I would also be willing to listen to their suggestions on the matter, which might include shifting to another cubicle within the apartment belonging to one of the colleagues attending the birthday celebrations that is far from the noise. I would avoid as much as possible being emotional or engaging in a confrontation with my colleagues over the matter in case they react negatively to my request. If the conversation becomes futile, I will consider talking with the property owner over the issue to find a lasting solution.My response to the above scenario is similar to that of an assertive communicator. Such communicators attempt to find a solution to the problem in a calm, polite and respec…

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