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Category: Essay

Subcategory: Health

Level: College

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Comparison Between Upward and Downward Communication
Institutional Affiliation:
Correlation Between Upward and Downward Communication
Upward communication is when the information within an organization flows from the junior employees to the top-level management (Lunenburg, 2010). This mode of communication usually enables the junior employees to be able to air their opinions, grievances or ideas to the top management. It requires a free environment where the employees are granted a say in the company management. Since the information flows from the subordinates to the senior management, it helps increase acceptance of the decisions made by the administration (Kato, Numagami, Karube & Sasaki, 2013). In this communication style, information can be transmitted either via through oral media where employer and employee meet open door policy or grievance procedure. Moreover, it can also be conducted through written media whereby suggestions, complaints, reports, and letters are sent to the top management (Lunenburg, 2010). However, this communication style may suffer due to long chains of command; management may fear criticism; and low confidence in the top management.
On the other hand, downward communication entails the transfer of information and messages from the senior management to the junior employees. In this case, the top management initiates the communication, to assign responsibilities, convey instructions, orders or warnings to the jun…

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