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Category: Essay

Subcategory: Health

Level: College

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Importance of One-to-One Communication
Importance of One-to-One Communication
Effective communication is a skill that is developed through contest and practice. While for others it is an instinctive skill. In an organization, effective communication is the basis of a good employee relationship (Katz, Lazarsfeld, and Roper, 2017). As a means of passing meaningful information, communication is a key to the relationship between an employer and an employee. One form of communication, that can be crucial in the relationship between an employer and an employee, is interpersonal communication. This form can take place on a one-to-one form, also known as face-to-face communication, or any other type that allows the two people to interact. One-to-one communication enables an employer to engage with the employee and understand fully the messages that they are trying to pass (Cazden, 2001).
In an organization, effective communication goes beyond exchanging the regular information. It involves understanding the emotions and intentions that are delivered with the information. As a result, face to face communication allows the employer to get the ideas within the information that have been passed by their informer. Good listening skill is an important aspect of communication (HitBullsEye, 2013). This can be considered as an essential two-way character of interpersonal communication. When two parties take the time to listen to each other, it is easier for them to…

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