Clinic Rotation

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Clinic Rotation

Category: Reflective Essay

Subcategory: Classic English Literature

Level: Masters

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Student’s Name
Institutional affiliation
Clinic Rotation
My most memorable rotation was in the Screening Clinic where dental screening was done. The type of procedure I observed was the oral cancer screening process. This procedure fascinates me because currently, any people are at high risk of developing this type of cancer. It is also ranked among the top three high incidence cancers (Seoane et al. 1235). It makes oral screening an essential procedure in cancer treatment and prevention. The appointment was interesting to me because it revealed some of the challenges that dentists experience when dealing with patients who have oral cancer. To prepare for the appointment procedure, we had to wash our hands, wear gloves and barrier tape then takes our grade sheets to the room where the screening was taking place. We watched as a student door examined an oral cancer patient.
The student doctor Stacey Stares dealt gently with the cancer patient Roxanne Miller. Communication between them was a simple question and answer session, where the student was very polite with the patient. The student also kept examining the patient after every response to ascertain that the physical changes explained by the patient were also evident. The faculty provided minimum supervision and only intervened when they felt that the student doctor had failed to include specific details in her screening procedure.
The most important aspect of the examination was the simplicity of …

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