Civil War Era

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Civil War Era

Category: Coursework

Subcategory: History

Level: College

Pages: 1

Words: 275

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Civil War Era
Alexander Hamilton Stephens was at the position of the vice president that served the Confederate States of America. The tenure of the Alexander Hamilton was at the period of the Civil War that took placed between the year1861 to 1865. He was known as one of the gifted politicians during his time, and one of the matters that set him at the vantage position was experienced that he had gained while surviving in the Georgia legislature house before emerging victorious in the seat of the United States at House of Representatives in the year 1843. During the outset of the Civil War, Stephen had been elected to serve as one of the representatives ta the Confederate States of America (Mayer, 23).
The factor that made him lauded in the community was the famous speech that was termed as the “Cornerstone Speech.” The significant announcement that was created through the speech was that the new government was set in place through the concept that blacks were much inferior to the whites. This was viewed to be much critical to the statement of President Jefferson Davis who had the high command. The statement of Stephens created much stir in the society, and he was later arrested at the end of the war. He was then renewed and elected as the governor of Georgia in the year 1882 (Mayer, 11).
On the other side, the debate that marked the removal of the monument of the Civil War came to occupy the peak at…

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