Choose one of the plays included: A Raising in the Sun, Trifles, or A Doll’s House.

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Choose one of the plays included: A Raising in the Sun, Trifles, or A Doll’s House.

Category: Informative Essay

Subcategory: Classic English Literature

Level: College

Pages: 3

Words: 825

[Student’s Full Name]
[Professor’s Full Name]
Race, and Racial Dynamics in “A Raisin in the Sun” by Lorraine Hansberry Analysis
The play is part of a broad literary movement whose primary concern was to show the lives of the working-class African-Americans. This genre, called American Realism, intends to show the authentic lives of people, without any looking glass. A Raisin in the Sun fits that description. In the play, we see that, dreams; hopes; money, and love. The core of many people’s lives. Another important thing we can rescue from such as the issue of race, and the racial dynamics in the play. Hansberry is able to accurately capture the racial dynamics of her time. It is possible that the experiences we see in the play are part of the author’s own experiences. Strictly speaking, the book is about the Younger family, but that family is also Hansberry’s (Ghani 610). For instance, she was subject to segregation, and that shaped the way she saw things. That is why she could create a play that featured, although veiled, a Civil Rights focused agenda.
In this essay, we shall speak about how race and racial dynamics play an important part in “A Raisin in the Sun.” First, we shall talk about the places in the play where racism appears. Then, we shall discuss these dynamics in the form of symbols and themes in the play.
As we said, the play is dull about race and racism. Although it is not a…

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