Change Management Plan

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Change Management Plan

Category: Presentation or speech

Subcategory: Human Resources

Level: College

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Change Management Plan Name

Change Management Plan
Current Culture
The current culture of the organization is good, but there are several loopholes that need to be addressed. Two significant issues seen were regarding power distance and gender roles. Employees communicated concern about developing a rapport with the higher-ups to get promotions and appreciation. Secondly, female employees showed concerns about the transparency of the organization and illustrated that their gender way is playing a negative role in growth and opportunities.
How and Why Change
These concerns are crucial to being addressed as there is a potential that they can hinder the overall growth of the organization. While addressing any issue or implementing change, it is critical to understand that effective communication is necessary to ensure that employees have a positive attitude towards change. It should be kept in mind that change takes time and is an entire process rather than a sudden instance. Therefore, all these instances need to be kept into account to make sure that the change is smooth.
Three main recommendations are given to be implemented at the organization. Firstly, a sense of collectivism needs to be nurtured at the organization. This is so because individualism addresses things on a micro level and misses out on the bigger picture CITATION Tri18 l 1033 (Triandis, 2018). Group sessions to nurture teamwork need to take place so that everyone unde…

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