censorship (in movies, in school, video games, etc)

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censorship (in movies, in school, video games, etc)

Category: Lab Report

Subcategory: Ethics

Level: College

Pages: 4

Words: 1100

The impacts of censoring information
Censorship is the act of suppressing ideas, words or images so as to control the information or data that people can access. Private parties or the government can participate in promoting censoring for their benefit or as a way of protecting the community, religion or even a state from blasphemy, treason or explicit content. Censorship has been there for a long time, and it can be traced to as early as 300 Ad where a censorship law was passed in China. Blocking the ideas of people is viewed as a way of controlling the political and moral life of the society. Most governments use censorship as a way of preventing any evil influence from reaching the people in society`. Censorship has both active and negative impacts on the people. Does censorship protect the society from any adverse influence of the information it has access? Censorship has positive effects, and the society needs to have a limit of the information it has access.
In the society we are living in, every individual has freedom of expression and a right to obtain any information as long as it does not interfere with other people. It is a digital era; every individual can gain access to the internet for any content. Morality has been on the decline among youths, and this can be attributed to the accessibility of so much information such as pornography, obscene language, murder and even drugs. The young generation needs to be protected from all k…

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