Carrion Comfort

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Carrion Comfort

Category: Critical Thinking

Subcategory: Classic English Literature

Level: College

Pages: 1

Words: 275

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‘Carrion Comfort’
Perseverance is a predominant theme in ‘Carrion Comfort’ by Gerard Manley Hopkins. The speaker is putting on a bold face. He is determined to go through the bad times. Despair and depression are evident in his tone. Nevertheless, he is determined to go through these difficult circumstances. The speaker has already undergone a lot of difficulties in his life. He argues that despite the fact that his remaining parts or spirit is weak, he cannot at any point give in to despair. He is determined to do everything that can salvage his spirit and uplift his hopes. His determination is so strong that even if it’s about wishing for the day to come, it will improve his hope and strong will to fight for a better tomorrow. The speaker pleads with God not to use his power to rock his world and drive him to further despair or depression. He acknowledges God’s might and the ability to intervene in his situation. He bases his plea to God on his already bruised body and spirit. He admits that he has suffered enough and would like to recover hence he wants God to provide him with peace and not tempt him further through ‘storms’ and ‘winds.’ The speaker seems to be in a dilemma not knowing whether to cheer God who tested his will by making him suffer or cheer himself for being able to survive through the difficulties. The first line of the first stanza carries a strong message about the speaker’s str…

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