capital punishment in the usa

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capital punishment in the usa

Category: Essay

Subcategory: Criminal Justice

Level: College

Pages: 1

Words: 550

Capital Punishment in the USA
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Capital Punishment in the US
In the constitution, every crime matches with a penalty administered according to the requirements of the jurisdiction in which it is committed. One such crime classifications include capital offenses (The Death Penalty, 2014). These include murder, robbery with violence, treason, and espionage. The penalty that is used to punish offenders who commit crimes of this degree is called capital punishment. In the United States, 30 states together with the military apply this penalty. The country’s federal constitution legalizes capital punishment.
The commonly used capital punishment is the death penalty. The United States federal law allows the death penalty in cases that the criminal is pronounced guilty beyond reasonable doubt of a capital offense. The US is the only country in the western world which allows the death penalty. The United States is also the first nation in the world to use lethal injection in the process of execution. That was to replace the conventional means such as hanging and use of a guillotine. The traditional techniques are still in use in many nations. There exist various techniques for executing capital crime convicts. The most commonly used method that has been in use up to the beginning of the 20th century is hanging (The Death Penalty, 2014). However, it brought about various unexpected results such as the convict becoming decapitated befor…

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