Calculus Presentation or speech

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Calculus Presentation or speech

Category: Presentation or speech

Subcategory: Calculus

Level: College

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Environmental Pollution
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“Ladies and gentlemen, what a great feeling to have you as my audience today as we discuss one of the most significant challenges in the 21st century. What is pollution? It is a term used to describe a situation when various contaminants are released into the natural environment which in the long run adversely affects our ecosystem. The types of pollution include water, air, noise, as well as soil pollution (Srivastava, 2009). Statistical result findings indicate that there is a likelihood that more than one billion people all over the world are affected by pollution. Besides, according to the World Health Organization (WHO), 25% of all the deaths in the developing nations are linked to environmental pollution (WHO, n.d). Dear audience, if these statistics do not cause a loud alarm, I do not know what will hit us harder. There is a need to save the world as well as the future generations from the effects of pollution.
The effects of pollution are quite severe both on human health as well as on the surrounding. Air pollution may lead to chronic and respiratory diseases such as skin irritation and asthma. Besides, environmental pollution contributes to global warming. Human activities escalate the Carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. Consequently, this has led to rising sea levels, wildfires, extinction of some animal and plant species, diseases and melting glaciers.
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