Business Studies

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Business Studies

Category: Essay

Subcategory: Business

Level: College

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Communication Effectiveness
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Communication Effectiveness
Effective communication is usually more than just the exchange of information. It primarily involves the ability to understand the various intentions and emotions that are behind a given piece of information. However, this should be done through the clear conveyance of message and proper listening. There is either good or bad communication that occurs in the workplace both of which can affect how the information is received and conveyed. The paper focuses on examples of good and communication examples in the place of work and their effects and the role that nonverbal communication plays in the place of work.
Examples of good communication include the following: Communication of the results on the progress of the company irrespective of whether it is making progress or experiencing difficulties. Through this, the manager was confident enough to discuss the situation openly with other employees at the workplace. According to Adubato (2016), it helped in quashing rumors and minimizing the various exaggerations of the situation thus enabling the employees to work with the knowledge of the progress they make effectively. Another example of good communication is the provision of good presentation which was precise during the meetings. Through this, every person in the workplace got the chance to effectively participate and air his or her views which helped in the progress of …

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