Business Idea A

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Business Idea A

Category: Essay

Subcategory: Business

Level: Masters

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Business Idea
Student’s Name
Professor’s Name
Course Title
Date of Submission
Teaching online is a service I believe will be successful in the market in spite of global competition. There are a lot of students and other people who desire to use the internet to acquire knowledge instead of using traditional means to do it. Advancement in technology has made it easier for teaching to be done through the internet. Having various skills and being willing and able to teach others is vital in this era.
This service will be successful in the market since there is a rising demand for online courses globally. Most people prefer to stay at home and learn new skills instead of traveling to school other institutions of learning. Additionally, the knowledge, skills, and experience that will be included in the courses are exceptional.
Many competitors offer similar services in the market. However, the online teaching business that I will start will focus on changing the world by providing accurate, reliable and quality information that will transform the lives of students. The current marketplace is filled with tutors who do not possess the necessary skills and knowledge leading to ambiguous and confusing information to consumers (Cooperman, 2018). My business will focus on recruiting individuals who are skilled in different areas so that they can assist the company in fulfilling its goals. The service that will be offered will be of high quality since tutors will provide m…

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