Bug List

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Bug List

Category: Critical Thinking

Subcategory: Economics

Level: High School

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Bug List
Below is a bug list of the issues that individuals face in their day to day activities. Improvement needs to be done in the areas listed so that change can be felt in the society.
1. Unskilled employees at the workplace.
2. Receiving a lot of calls.
3. Many emails that overload my inbox.
4. Power problems at institutions, workplaces, and home.
5. Noisy environment.
6. Traffic jam during morning hour that leads to lateness.
7. Internet connectivity problems.
8. Water shortage and poor drainage systems.
9. Inefficient medical services.
10. Poor infrastructure.
I will focus on power problems at workplaces, institutions, and homes. Power is an important component in day to day activities. Lack of power supply affects the running of many activities. For instance, companies that depend on the power supply for product may run at a loss if there is no power. Additionally, institutions like hospitals and school will have their operations affected if there are power problems. For example, students may not do their night studies if there are power problems. Therefore, efficient strategies need to be put in place to ensure that the issue is solved.
The issue can be solved by the presence of automatic power backup generators which can switch on when the electric power supply is unavailable. The generators ensure that at no one time will institutions, workplaces and homes lack the power that is necessary …

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