Bonuses in Bad times

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Bonuses in Bad times

Category: Essay

Subcategory: Business

Level: College

Pages: 1

Words: 275

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Bonuses in Bad Times
Most companies’ employees always look forward to the bonuses every year. This is one of the methods used to encourage employees to work better and harder (Beyersdorfer et al. 154). However, in some situations, the company may have difficulties to fulfill such especially when there is an economic crisis. This paper aims at discussing if Superado should give its employees a bonus in that year considering its situation and the basic management planning process.
The CEO should give the employees a bonus considering the resources held by the company and the factoring of bonus in the budget of the supermarket. The amount from the supermarket may be low but for the employees to work hard due to the competitive market in which it operates, however motivation to workers is paramount (Kerzna, 2017). Also, the bonus will act as a retention strategy by preventing the employees from working for the competitors. In addition to that, the CEO has to come up with the goals and prioritize them effectively (Beyersdorfer et al. 156). Then each employee is given a task to to have better sales in the future. However, the employees may not perform their task as expected if they do not receive bonuses and may approach the competitors’ to get a job opportunity and some bonuses, which may be a threat to Superado supermarket.
The CEO together with the team should show willingness in evaluating all methods that have en…

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