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Category: Coursework

Subcategory: Biology

Level: College

Pages: 1

Words: 550

Bioscience – Discussion 3
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Bioscience – Discussion 3
Question 1
I have always believed that human beings are the superior being in the planet because of the ability to reason and make a rational decision. Truth be told, the human brain is said to be more developed, and this is what separates humans from animals. According to Yuval Noah Harari presentation in the TED talk I watched earlier, holding such sentiments is misleading as evidenced in his TED talk titled, Why humans run the world. He posits that Homo sapiens were very insignificant during the prehistoric era and had a little impact on the planet. However, with time we (humanity) rose above all other species, and today people rule the world and dominate it in all aspects of survival. Firstly, this has been facilitated by the ability of humankind to maintain cooperation in large numbers, unlike animals.
Yuval Harari made it clear that people organize groups such as communities unified by the conformity to the same rules that ensure peaceful coexistence and eliminate any conflicts whatsoever. We also possess an inherent trait that allows us to remain united for prolonged periods (Udbhav, 2017). The second condition is that the social framework developed from the cooperation exhibits flexibility, such that it accommodates strangers without limiting the number of those involved. Even social animals such as bees and wolves that live harmoniously can only extend the same …

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