Biology of Cancer Discussion

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Biology of Cancer Discussion

Category: Essay

Subcategory: Nursing

Level: College

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Biology of Cancer Discussion
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Biology of Cancer Discussion
Watchful waiting puts into view putting a halt on treatment with the focus being on surveillance. The process is viewed as beneficial to some patients when compared to opting for surgery (Bill-Axelson, 2014). To understand the concept of watchful waiting, the discussion involves the pros and cons of the concept against the elimination of carcinoma in situ.
An advantage of watchful waiting is that it enables both the physician and the patient to have an idea of the associated risk regarding the prevalence of cancer. When the cancer is aggressive, it alerts one to begin treatment, and if it is less aggressive, he or she can wait but engage in frequent monitoring (May, 2016). Also, one of the pros associated with watchful waiting over the removal of CIS is that in some cases, it may be risky to conduct an operation unless the circumstances are life-threatening. It is perceived that some medical practitioners are willing to forego treatment or rather postpone surgery regarding DCIS except in situations where the malignant cells are overwhelming the affected breast tissue (May, 2016). Watchful waiting also comes into perspective in situations that require less care (May, 2016). The idea is that medical practitioners are becoming aware of the view that less medical services are effective for short-term cases and that some cancer cells easily fade away an…

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