Biology lab

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Biology lab

Category: Essay

Subcategory: Biology

Level: College

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Semi-Permeable Membrane
If the selectively permeable membrane is permeable to starch, then starch molecules will be found in the bag, starch molecules will be found in the water outside the bag, and water will move into the bag
If the selectively permeable membrane is permeable to Lugol’s iodine but impermeable to glucose, then glucose and iodine will be found in the bag, iodine will be found in the water outside the bag and water will move into the bag.
If the selectively permeable membrane is permeable to glucose but impermeable to starch then glucose and starch will be found in the bag, glucose will be found in the water outside the bag and water will move out of the bag.
Ten mL graduated cylinder
400 ml beakers
Lugol’s iodine
2 Dropper bottle
Benedict reagent
Test tube holder
Weigh boat
Triple beam balance
The experiment used a dialysis tubing as the semi-permeable membrane. It was pre-soaked in deionized water and carefully into smaller sections. One end was folded and tied firmly with a string. The other end was held open and 10 ml of glucose and 10 ml of starch-filled in. The open end was tied up and checked for leaks. The tie was a long thread that would be used later to hold the dialysis tubing on the beaker. The tubing was rolled back and forth to mix the content thoroughly. It was then weighed on the weigh boat and the triple beam balance and the weight and col…

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