basys basics

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basys basics

Category: Essay

Subcategory: Bioengineering

Level: College

Pages: 1

Words: 275

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Basys Basic Report
This report explains the elements of Basys implementation process field programmable gate arrays board was used to develop a schematic diagram. This was enabled through the use of Multisim emphasizing on the digital circuit. All the requirement was gathered and implemented as per the requirement.
The application was focusing on monitoring and control logic that can operate a tank system. The systems hold corn syrup for use in making faux pancake syrup. It is indicated that the temperature of the syrup should be appropriate and can be released to the next process more easily (p.32).
The result from the table indicates that when the level below is at minimum, then there is no inlet flow, and the temperature is also very low. When the minimum above and below maximum, the inlet flow and temperature is high.
The table further shows the needed cathode pattern for showing corresponding the numbers on one single seven segments LED display on the FPGA board. It is clear from the result that on a single seven segment LED display on the Basys 3 FBGA board the cathodes are not separated, and one can see that they are connected (p.48).
In ensuring that the control is accurate, we use the switched and not the buttons which are for the inputs, and we use LED for outputs. After building the circuit in the Multism and downloaded it into the BASYS3 board we can see goa head and confirm the functionality of all p…

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