Basic Management

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Basic Management

Category: Essay

Subcategory: Health

Level: College

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Basic Management
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Basic Management
Management is a process that entails taking responsibility for the regulation of the activities of an organization to attain set objectives. There are five primary functions of a manager; coordinating, planning, organizing, controlling and directing.
Planning is the formulation of the resources and actions required to accomplish an ambition. Here the manager describes the future of a firm and how to get there. A leader should be able to come up with a plan that is realistic and flexible to have every worker on board.
By organizing the manager can assemble the required resources and allocate them where necessary. To ensure the enterprise is moving towards its goals resources ought to be used sparingly and responsibility assigned effectively (Leonard, 2018).
For proper coordination, management should identify crucial staff positions and see that competent personnel are in charge. Although it is always not easy for different departments in an organization to cooperate, a manager has to come up with a way of making it possible.
Managers are supposed to tell the staff what is expected of them and by when. To an effective leader, the directing function is not only about giving orders but also to motivate the workers into being more committed. The subordinates are motivated through supervision and guided leadership communication.
Controlling systems are the means used by managers to do a follow-up and ensure t…

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