article already pick this is a thinking and writing class for psychology

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article already pick this is a thinking and writing class for psychology

Category: Essay

Subcategory: Psychology

Level: College

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Article Critique
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Article title: Mood symptoms in pregnant and postpartum women with bipolar disorder: a naturalistic study
Authors: Kara E. Driscoll, Dorothy K. Y. Sit, Eydie L. Moses-Kolko, Emily Pinheiro, Amy Yang, Jody D. Ciolino, Heather F, Eng, James F. Luther, Crystal T. Clark, Stephen R. Wisniewski and Katherine L. Wisner
Year published: 2017
Journal title: Bipolar Disorders
The main point in the article is to create advocacy for pharmacotherapy among pregnant women with bipolar disease (BD) in order to enhance their psychiatric outcomes. The hypothesis is that women who received psychotropic treatment would have reduced symptom burden and show fewer functional impairments in comparison to those who did not. To meet their objectives, the authors included 159 pregnant women aged between 18-44 years, with bipolar disease. The women were from Pittsburgh, PA and were all enrolled in Antimanic use at or before 20 weeks of pregnancy. Out of the 159, seven women were lost during follow-up, 88 of the remaining women were put through psychotropic treatment after receiving consultation on bipolar management while 64 women were untreated and thus a control group. Besides, taking medication, the women were assessed three times prepartum and four times postpartum respectively. Participants in the study were not paid.
The findings of the research indicated that the use of psycho…

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