Argument Paragraph Plan Sheet

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Argument Paragraph Plan Sheet

Category: Movie Review

Subcategory: Classic English Literature

Level: College

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Part 1:
Topic: The government provide free daycare
Assigned Position: Against
What Is my purpose: To show that free daycare by the government will not benefit the whole nation and will lead to wastage of public funds.
Which Will I do: I will support my viewpoint.
Will I take action? Will I support a viewpoint? Will I counter someone else’s argument? Will I offer a solution?
One Statistic. The number of children enrolled in pre-primary education in 2016 in the United States stood at 8.76 million.
Source (must be able to pull up the source in class)
4 points: Against
1. Raising children is the parents’ responsibility and should not be handed to the government.
2. This project will add responsibility to taxpayers burden.
3. There are vital areas that government needs to improve thus allocation to daycare will not be the best investment.
4. The government should not be given such critical roles as I have a history of having workers who are inefficient and daycare will be a delicate issue.
Other information to show that I am informed on this topic.
Part 2:
*Brain Dump
The parents must raise their children and leave the government with the role of providing necessary services to the public. Parents should have a plan before having children so that they can afford to provide quality services to those children.
In the US, citiz…

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