Anthropology Essay

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Anthropology Essay

Category: Essay

Subcategory: Anthropology

Level: Masters

Pages: 1

Words: 275

PBHE 526 Week 2: Vector-borne and Zoonotic Diseases
Vector borne diseases are those infections that are passed on to the people when an infected insect-like mosquitos and ticks bite them. Because the arthropods that cause the vector diseases are cold-blooded, they are affected by the climatic changes and are sensitive to temperatures (Brownstein, 2016). Some of these diseases include the dengue fevers, West Niles Viruses, and malaria. Malaria is the most common vector bone diseases that come from an infected female anorphile mosquito that suck blood from the humans. Malaria is life-threatening as the parasite from the mosquito multiplies once it reaches the liver. The Plasmodium parasite destroys the red cells as they continue to multiply (Ahmed, 2011). Hence parasitic protozoa are the causative agent. Symptoms include the shaking chills and severe fever. Others include vomiting, diarrhea, and pain in the abdomen. Geographically, malaria is common in east and central Africa (Craig, Snow and Le Sueur, 2016). As a major cause of mortality, the disease has to be prevented through the use of mosquito nets and keeping the ground free from the dump.
Zoonotic Diseases are those that are caused by pathogens like viruses and bacteria. These diseases are passed directly from the animals to the humans through the use of media such as air or through fluids. Examples of this category include Leptospirosis, Bubonic Plague, Tetanus, and Tularaemia. The most dangerou…

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