Answers to Geography Questions

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Answers to Geography Questions

Category: Essay

Subcategory: Geography

Level: College

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Tutor’s Name
Question 1
The success or failure of a nation state is evaluated based on how well it delivers the critical political goods (Bosker and Garretsen 446). The majority of indicators used to assess the failure or success of nations are political. However, a change in the nation’s GDP, which is also an indicator, is influenced by various geographical factors. Some of the geographical factors that influence the GDP and consequently failure or success of a nation include climate, location, resources, and stability (Bosker and Garretsen 449). Climate influences the level of productivity and thus directly impacts the GDP. The location of a nation determines the ease of access to markets where the country’s citizens can either trade off surplus or buy to fill deficits. The natural resources with which a country is endowed determine its wealth. The level of environmental stability regarding calamities like earthquakes impacts a nation’s GDP directly and consequently influences its success or failure.
Question 2
Overpopulation. Human population is increasing at an alarming rate thereby putting more pressure on the essential natural resources.
Soil degradation. Through various anthropogenic activities, the soil is getting degenerated thereby making it lose its potential to support plant life. As a result, agricultural productivity is reducing thereby making it hard to feed the rapidly growing population.
Species extinction. Man’s activities are…

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